Welcome to my life.
It’s not about perfection. It’s about effort and dedication. And when you implement that in your life… every single day, that’s where transformation happens. That’s when you realize you can do things you never imagined you could. Keep going. Remember why you started and why you’re here.
Follow me.
Greenhope-Sports against Cancer.
I’m fiercely proud to be one of Greenhope ambassadors
Greenhope is a charity project that supports young children affected by cancer. It motivates and raises awareness within the sports world. The clear mission of the Greenhope foundation is “Sports against cancer”: it is not just a slogan, but we make it reality by moving more and more sports disciplines towards that mission.
The Foundation motivates the sports community to invest a small share of its positive energy in people who are not able to exercise, as they face a fight that is harder than any competition in life.
If you want to help Greenhope, just support this fight and share the message with me!
Nous fêtons cette année nos 80 ans ! 🎈 Partage avec nous ton plus beau souvenir avec Ragusa et gagne un Atelier avec notre ambassadrice Lara Gut-Behrami ainsi que la personne de ton choix. Bonne chance !
- Date de l'Atelier ...
Dieses Jahr feiern wir 80 Jahre Ragusa! 🎈 Teile mit uns deine schönste Erinnerung mit Ragusa und gewinne ein Oster-Atelier mit unserer Botschafterin Lara Gut-Behrami sowie einer Person deiner Wahl. Viel Glück!
- Datum des Ateliers: 10. April
- Verlosung: 24. März ...
Date: 26/9/2017
I’m fine, my knee smiles and everything is moving along nicely. Next week my team and I will be traveling to Valle Nevado in Chile in order to start accumulating kilometers on the snow. ...
music by Kovlo
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